Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Crazy Whirlwind of Life....Part 1

How I got where I am...right this Paraguay (huh?) is quite the whirlwind. Let. Me. Tell You. 

I was going to do a mega mega post...but I realized it's literally impossible to explain everything in one post. So. Part one....


Once upon a time I graduated......

How did that happen?

I still remember my mini panic attack I had, driving into Utah for my first day at BYU. And now I'm done. I still don't think it's hit me....

Can't forget to give a shout out to old gramps here....

My family has been the most amazing support through my journey at BYU and I honestly couldn't have done it without them. Love you so much mom and dad!

Now for the crazy stuff. 
The whirlwind. The adventure. The traveling....all started with a boy. 

Right after I graduated I finally opened my eyes and realized I liked this boy I had been going on dates with all year.  7 months of random dates, weightlifting class, drives up the canyon, and swig and then all of the sudden he was leaving...for eight months. To China and Paraguay. Not. Cool. But I guess they always say you don't know what you have in front of you until you almost lose it. Well...I decided I didn't want to lose this one.

Thus began the past 6 months of a whirlwind that I call my life. I don't even know where to begin.

My recent graduation kinda put me in what I'd like to call a pre mid-life crisis. I was working, but all I wanted was adventure. adventure. adventure
So...I decided to yolo it and try something new called...camping :)  

See for me, this was an adventure. With a family of 4 girls, the most camping I ever did was through Girl Scouts. (yes I sold the cookies). 

And let me just throw it in there that I checked off the biggest item on my BYU bucket list this summer (yes, bigger than marriage) ....I won an intramural t-shirt. Not the way I thought I would...but can I just say, those frisbee players are insane. 

And then....once upon a time, I got invited on the Houghton Family Vacation.

To China.

 Let me tell you....after months of not seeing Steven, I was beyonnnnd excited.

We chased down sketchy sleep-away trains, sang fun songs, rode bikes on a city wall, explored crazy caves and temples, went rock climbing, hiking, shopping and saw some of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. I can't even begin to say how welcoming the Houghton's were, it was honestly a trip I will never forget. 



Guilin was STUNNING. And well...let's just say I've been working on my bike riding skills after falling two times in five minutes.... #awkotaco

This was all 4 months ago...and it doesn't even begin to cover the extent of my adventures this summer. It's been amazing to say the least. 

So cheers, carpe arcum, seize the bow. Because adventure is out there. And life is pretty darn great. 

xoxo Kimmy

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